Iolaos is a new platform for learning technology that combines a wide diversity of expertise people in order to enhance and enrich the effectiveness of serious games.
Trasport yourself to a virtual representation of the Venizeleio Hospital in Heraklion, Crete.
Hide a Treasure offers the opportunity to create, manage and play a hidden treasure game in a real city.
We have designed and implemented for you, an embedded and standalone system that can monitor, store and analyse environmental data as well as calculate energy consumption in a specific environment.
Power Grids is an educational game for electrical engineering students of all ages. Players will be able to create a power grid system on a map and modify it according to specific scenarios for optimal performance.
A 3D game where the architectual elements and the tools of ancient theater is presented along with information about them. The user is free to roam around and expore while learning is enhanced by a questionare.
Thimel-Content is a platform for creation and management of educational content for the game ThimelEdu.
GARDINER (Games plAtform foR minD traIning aNd mEmory peRk),aimed at making available various memory games which may have been crafted by various sources.